Mastered for iTunes

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  • positive review  Gábor mastered my band's first LP. The communication and the whole process was fluent, besides, his precise work left the anticipated effect on the final product. Thank you!

    Dénes Török Avatar Dénes Török
  • positive review  Gábor is an incredibly precise and skilled sound engineer, he delivers superb masters and always adds plus to your mixes, too. It really is a top notch stuff, he’s doing ,highly recommended if you want good sound

    Szabó Attila Avatar Szabó Attila
  • positive review  I have worked with Gábor several times over the years, and he has always done not only an excellent job, but been a great source of inspiration for the projects both in their visual or sonic approach.

    Renato Horvath Avatar Renato Horvath
  • positive review  We wandered around some mastering studios and came back here again. There might be one of the best sounding masters we've ever gotten back! If you are willing to pay the cost, we recommend "Stem Mastering" for the best mastering. Please visit here for a preview: I would like to warm thank from label on Tokyo, JAPAN!!🙏

    Hiroshi Fukuma Avatar Hiroshi Fukuma
  • positive review  Perfect sounds, fast works! ;)

    Tóth Zoltán Avatar Tóth Zoltán
  • positive review  I have worked with Anorganik in many projects. He is a real pro both technically and musically. He ads a lot to whatever he works on. I highly recommend to work with him.

    Barabás Lőrinc Avatar Barabás Lőrinc
  • positive review  The best mastering offer around. Superb quality.

    Peter Kovary Avatar Peter Kovary
  • positive review  Just finished my second album "Wishful Thinking" with him. Excellent and fast work, brilliant sound, friendly communication. Absolutely pro! peace & respect gelka

    Csaba Kürti Avatar Csaba Kürti
  • positive review  We have released my first album. I'm glad to work together anorganik mastering. It was a great time and nice experience with him :)

    Gabor Csirmaz Avatar Gabor Csirmaz
  • positive review  Bring on a good mixes and Gábor elevates it to a high level of sonic experience. Always great to work with him, also he is pretty fast!

    Imre Poniklo Avatar Imre Poniklo

Portfólió betekintés

Magashegyi Underground: Ezer Erdő

Magashegyi Underground: Ezer Erdő

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